Monday, September 27, 2010

Bite The Hand That Feeds You

Ever heard the saying "don't bite the hand that feeds you"? It's a saying that encourages a person not to betray or damage the relationship with a person that looks out for or supports them in any way. In origin, it primarily referred to the relationship between dog and man; animal and master. However, it can be applied to just about any relationship where one is providing for another.

To keep with the origin, the saying is being used in this context to refer to the relationship between animal and man; specifically dolphin and man. It's a fun and interesting fact that dolphins, being marine mammals, are protectors of humans in the ocean. There have been several reports of dolphins often coming to the rescue of surfers who have found themselves the target of a curious, confused, and/or hungry shark (apparently it's a common misconception that sharks prey on humans).  The dolphins are reported to either swim circles around the surfer until they are clear of harm, or to charge the shark causing it to flee. (Wow! Really??) Yet, every year thousand of dolphins are drove into captivity and slaughtered in the name amusement, education, research, and even delicacy. (talk about irony)

It's this irony that brought writer, Mark Monroe, director, Louie Psihoyos, and former "Flipper" co-star Richard O'Barry, together for the 2009 documentary film, The Cove. The Cove is a tantilizing account of the dolphin drive hunting that takes place in Taiji, Japan, where obscure local fisherman are driving wild dolphins into a restricted lagoon off the Taiji coast to be rounded up in the hopes of being sold for attraction. The film depicts how the "it" dolphin or dolphins can be prized at $100,000 or more, and the dolphins that don't "make the cut", are slaughtered and the meat is sold on the black market, ofen being disguised as whale. (Dag, when did it become a delicacy to eat whale?? I'm just trying escargot...and that's pretty damn disgusting if you ask me!) Upon a successful barter, the "prized" dolphins are removed from their natural habitat, the vast wild ocean, and relocated to marine museums around the world, where they become speculation for human admiration.

The film goes well beyond simply documenting the clandestine events that take place in the shallow waters, and explores how dolphins are more than mere animals and are equipped with intellect as well as compassion. Ric O'Barry, co-star of the late 60's hit series "Flipper" says what pushed him into this dolphin activism, is the death of his co-star Kathy, who he says committed suicide in his arms as a result of stress and despression due to captivity. He states that dolphins have the ability to control when they open and close their blowhole in order to breath above water. That being said, it's not an involuntary body function. Dolphins make a conscious decision to breath air. O' Barry says that Kathy swam into his arms, looked into his eyes, and closed her blowhole for good (she suffocated herself). A short time later he was arrested for cutting a hole in a sea pen in the attempt to free a captured dolphin. O'Barry hasn't stopped ever since. He has committed his life to the advocacy of dolphins.

If that isn't enough to surmise that dolphins are individuals, much more alike humans than not, capable of emotions in addition to intellect, there are claims (not made by The Cove) that dolphins were recruited by the US military during the Vietnemese War and trained to kill naval deep sea divers by seperating the diver with his oxygen mask. During mock trials (with dummies), the dolphins executed the "kill" time and time again. However, when it came time for the final test with live humans, the dolphins refused to inflict impending danger on the divers and were reported to beaten to death as a consequence. (Unbelievable to say the least) So, not only are dolphins intelligent enough to be trained to amuse and kill, they are compassionate and intuitive enough to preserve human life, even if it cost them their own. It's understandable that such marvels would garner admiration and adoration but must it come in the form of exploitation??

It's pretty safe to say that the contributors of The Cove would answer that question in a resounding NO! However, supporters of dolphin fishing believe there's no foul as they are acting lawfully within the parameters set by the International Whaling Commission. One critic of The Cove, says "it's a case of (mostly) white men saving cute dolphins from yellow men". The Japanese government responded by saying "The dolphin hunting is a part of traditional fishery of this country and it has been lawfully carried out."

As long as revenue is capable of being generated from dolphin drives, it's unlikely things will change. And this fact goes back to the before mentioned saying "don't bite the hand that feeds you". It seems that Westerners, Europeans, and Japanese alike, among many other nationalities, are guilty of "biting the hand that feeds them". Dolphins have proven to protect human life at cost, and humans in turn compromise theirs. Why?? What is man's obsession with and dependacy upon slavery?? And how is it that he justifies himself with disillusioned claims of salvation and protection??

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Time for Change

Everyday I wake up and lend my time and talents to others,specifically employers, in the name of survival. I put my own wants, needs, and desires on the back burner to make a bottom dollar for someone else, while my spirit follows behind on a coarse my mind and body have laid out for it. However, with the coming morning comes change for a new day!

Facts are facts, and as much as I would love to quit my job, lounge around on a beach all day, and write whenever moved to, the fact is, I yet to have that luxury. I still have to work everyday and I still have to finish school. And I'm still passionate about things (and frustrated as a result) all the while. Bottom line, I still have a work to do. So I've decided, with my sister's urging and a good friend's insisting, to use my talent and capabilities, coupled with my passion, and start a blog. It's time I let out my thoughts, concerns, and creativity and channel my energy into productivity. I like to think I have something important to say, so this blog will serve as my voice. And who knows, maybe by the end of it, I'll have a whole chorus of voices, orating the narrative of this life.

So, no more excuses of not enough time, or being too tired, or not having adequate resources. Today marks the day that I "use what I've got, to get what I want". And what I want is to do my part to make the world a better place for children coming up in it and people living in it alike. I know that sounds cheesy and cliche, but it's the truth. If I can channel my passion for life, knowledge, and servitude through writing, and inform and inspire someone, or give someone a little insight and hope, I'd sleep a little better at night, knowing I was able to give back what has always been given to me by the grace of GOD . Of course, I could always do more and plan to do more, but for now this blog is me "using what I've got, to get what I want".

I don't think this will be an easy task right  now, but I can say I'm committed to it. I mean you have to start somewhere right?? If I plan to make change in life, I understand there are sacrifices I have to make. And that brings about MY time for change. Time to change MY daily habits and use MY time to MY advantage! Every free moment I have needs to be dedicated to feeding my passion and in turn feeding this blog. The days of using free time to catch up on sleep and lounge around or entertain myself with frivilous distractions, while the world spins out of control (and me right along with it) must be gone with the night. The coming morning brings a new day for me. A day I've looked forward to for sometime, but too afraid (or tired or lazy) to fully face. It's a day I take my own advice and WAKE UP! Wake up my mind and spirit and tell it we've got work to do! This is the day I embrace my time for change!

Thank You Jesus!

The Serenity Prayer

GOD grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

-Reinhold Niebuhr

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.

Proverbs 3, 5-6

First Post!

Well, this is my first post on my new blog and of course it is a frivilous test post. I have many things I eventually want to write about, but for now, the juices just aren't flowing. So, this is my random ridiculousness! (credit with the term random ridiculousness)

Well no need to force it. Once I get acclamated to this blog I'm sure I'll have a WHOLE LOT MORE to say! Or once something sparks a nerve in

Hmm... let's test out the image function and give you a image of what's on my mind!